We're back baby!

I know, I know; it's 2018 and I'm adding yet another blog to the cluttered interwebs. If I was smart, I would have kept up with my two failed blog attempts. Or better yet, started way back in the olden times of 2010 when I first started reading them. Alas, here I am now, totally blog-less, in an age where blogging leads to a lucrative career.

So why bother you ask? 

Because somewhere along the way, blogging lost touch with its roots. Back when I was 20, still in college and surrounded by students regularly dressing in Uggs and sweatpants, I turned to blogs to figure out my sense of personal style. When I was 23 and working in a conservative law firm, I turned to blogs for the secret to breaking out of the slacks-blouse-ballet flats uniform. When I was 24 and moved out of my parents house, I turned to blogs for cohesive decor ideas. When I was 25 and moved to New York, I leaned on blogs to navigate my new city on a budget. And so on. For the past decade I've turned to blogs for everything: street fashion, interior design, makeup, skincare, DIY, travel guides. You name it, I've probably found out about it through a blog. Hell, I probably know more about pregnancy and motherhood than any person without plans to fertilize an egg in the near future ever should. 

But I digress. 

Somewhere along the way, bloggers started making money off their hobbies. Their clothing budgets went up. Their decor shifted from Ikea and Target to West Elm and Restoration Hardware. They started getting PR packages bursting with high-end skincare and makeup. Somewhere along the way, blogs left me behind. And hey, I don't blame the bloggers! They work hard. They face daily criticism about their bodies, their parenting styles, their principles. They deserve all their successes. But let's be clear: I'm still just average. I make an average salary. I have student loan debt. I bring my lunch to work daily. I live in a less-than-glamorous part of Brooklyn because I chose to move to one of the most expensive cities in the world. 

The blog scene blew up, but I didn't.

 I still shop at Old Navy. I still buy L'Oreal. The only packages I get in the mail are ones I bought myself. And that's okay! The point isn't that I want more. The point is that I'm still here, and I'm sure you are, too. That's why I'm bothering to start a blog in 2018: To get back to the original spirit of blogs. To get back to the basics. I'm blogging as a hobby. I'm blogging about things I can afford. I'm blogging about things I do to make the most of my average life.

Join me won't you? 


  1. Yay!!! I’m so excited for this!!! Can’t wait to see what’s to come!

    1. I couldn't have done it without your support boo boo :)

  2. How exciting. I can't wait to see where this journey leads.


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