Links I Love - Vol. 2

This week started off with a bang: I ate my weight in queso, had a come to Jesus moment and vowed to reunite with green leafy vegetables, oh and THE EAGLES FINALLY PLAYED LIKE A LEGITIMATE PRO TEAM AND WHOOPED THE PATRIOTS ASS IN THE SUPER BOWL. And that's coming from someone who borderline hates football. Needless to say, Sunday was epic. I also had both an old coworker and an old rep in the city for business trips so this week was very much full of quality friend time and I gotta say, I ain't mad about it. The only thing I didn't manage to squeeze in this week was my two year anniversary with Greg. We're both not big on anniversaries, so I think we're going to celebrate the best way we know how this weekend: going for a long walk, eating dry cereal straight from the box on the couch like grown ass adults and arguing about my unwillingness to watch Total Recall. Also, a friend graciously sent us a code for a free Hello Fresh box to test out and I am very pumped to shovel that goodness into my pie hole. 
What have you guys got going on? Perhaps you're celebrating National Pizza Day today? 

I'm super into this birthday idea.

After the whole Kendall Jenner Pepsi disaster, you'd think PepsiCo would learn. But noooo, lets go ahead and throw fuel on the fire by insulting women everywhere. You can't retract that mistake PepsiCo.

I'm sorry NY Fashion Week enthusiasts, but I'm in it for the street style. As someone who works in a casual dress environment but prefers to look more polished, she's killing the [realistic] work wear game.

For those of us in NYC experiencing major headache during our morning commute, there is another option.

A blogger introduced me to these. Yes, they make you feel like you're a cow grazing out in a pasture, but guys, colon care is important! Slap some PB & strawberries or some laughing cow cheese with avocado on that shiz and its not the worst thing in the world. Also just learned this existed and consider me intrigued.

As someone who falls asleep before polishing off their glass of wine these days, this was an interesting point of view on a dry January.

Target introduced their newest line, Universal Threads, this week. I may already have this Madewell style shirt and these Free People knock off's in my cart.

Liz has started a new weekly Instagram Live, "Cooking with Liz," and I'm hooked (also, talk about #familygoals). I can't wait to try out the massaged kale and sweet potato salad she made this week.

Has anyone picked up any Ordinary products? Its an affordable skincare line that just became available at Sephora and I can't stop looking up reviews.

Italy is selling homes for 1 Euro and I already have half my apartment packed up. Whose with me!?

Have I already mentioned how much I fucking love women?

My rule of thumb: invest in your skincare and base, but get your ass to the aisles of Target for the perfect eyelashes.

Amy Schumer released the trailer for her new film I Feel Pretty and while both her last Netflix special and movie were what I would call "garbage", I'm picking up what shes laying down for this one.

This article really resonated with me, given the number of people "experiencing" things through the lens of their phone. Hey, I'm the first to admit I will go out of my way to find that perfect Instagram photo, but I also recognize the importance of being present.

Diets be damned, I need to make this ASAP.

While I'm not planning on getting knocked up anytime in the near future, this article vocalized a lot of the anxiety I have about getting pregnant while validating some fears I have about being pregnant.

Did you hear Pod Save America is coming to a TV near you?


  1. Loved reading this each time I was up last night to feed Miles! I hope you keep doing these :) every link was so different, but all equally as interesting. I literally had to hold back laughter about the city commute haha

    1. I love doing these! I will 100% keep it up :)


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